Welcome to the Hoberg-Phillips Scope Data Library
NEW: Data coverage now 1989 to 2021
Data Provided by Gerard Hoberg and Gordon Phillips
Firm Scope Data (scope measures for each firm in each year)
Measures of firm-scope for public firms using 10-K data from 1988 to present were developed in Hoberg and Phillips (2024) (see below). Scope for each firm year is the number of industry-level markets that each firm likely operates in based on NLP processing and clustering techniques using the doc2vec embedding model.
Download Firm-Year Scope Data . [Download Scope Data] [View Readme]
* The following study provided the key innovations to the creation of this data:
- Scope, Scale and Competition: The 21st Century Firm - Gerard Hoberg and Gordon Phillips, 2024, forthcoming at Journal of Finance
Scope-Based Industry Assignments in each year (w/ industry labels):
Our above measures of firm-scope are based on clustering algorithms run over a doc2vec embedding platform. The above data provides the count of the number of markets each firm operates in, whereas the data here is more detailed and shows the actual clusters each firm is a member of. The data thus contains one or more industry cluster memberships for each firm in each year and is a more detailed data structure than the one above. Each cluster also associates with a label indicating the likely products old in each market and this data repository also provides the labels. Please read the readme file and the foundational paper used to create these measures noted below.
Download Firm-Year Industry Assignment Data . [Download Assignment Data] [View Readme]
* The following study provided the key innovations to the creation of this data:
- Scope, Scale and Competition: The 21st Century Firm - Gerard Hoberg and Gordon Phillips, 2024, forthcoming at Journal of Finance