Vishal Gupta, Associate Professor of Data Sciences and Operations at USC Marshall

I am the Dean's Associate Professor in Business Administration in the department of Data Sciences and Operations at USC Marshall. Because of my strong overlap in research interests, I also have a courtesy appointment in the department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at USC Viterbi and serve as an an Affiliate Faculty at the USC Center for AI and Society.

I currently serve as an Associate Editor for Management Science in the Data Science department, an Associate Editor for MSOM, and Associate Editor for Operations Research in the Optimization department.

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Recent News

  • May 2024 - Honored to be awarded the Dean's Associate Professorship at USC Marshall!
  • Jan. 2024 - Recently named an AE at Operations Research!
  • Nov. 2023 - A PhD workshop I lead on coding to 1) generate precise conjectures and 2) figure out how to prove those conjectures. Meant to help students get "unstuck" when they can't prove something. Very rough, work in progress. Comments welcome.
  • Sept 2022 - New lecture notes for from my recent PhD Mini-course at NUS IORA .
  • June 2021 - My brief piece aimed at pratictioners to get them thinking about ethical issues in AI deployment appeared in VentureBeat
  • April 2021 - So proud of my three undergraduate mentees -- Tiffany Chou, Sanika Sahasrabudhe, and Spencer Xie -- for receiving USC's Discovery Scholar Distinction for their undergraduate theses!
  • April 2021 - Extra congratulations to my undergraduate mentee Spencer Xie for being a finalist in the Discovery Scholars Prize for his thesis "Measuring Employer and Employee Motivations for Digital Upskilling Initiatives"!
  • April 2021 - Extra congratulations also to my undergraduate mentee Tiffany Chou for receiving second place in the USC Libraries Research prize for her thesis, "Strategic Use of Patent Portfolios in Cloud Computing Enterprises."
  • April 2021 - So excited that my PhD student Michael Huang was awarded the Marshall PhD Teaching Award.
  • Oct 2021 - My co-authors (Hamsa Bastani and Kimon Drakopoulos) and I are ecstatic to be named the winners of the 2021 Pierskalla Best Paper Competition!
  • Oct 2021 - We are incredibly honored to be selected as the winners of the 2021 Daniel H. Wagner Prize for Excellence in the Practice of Advanced Analytics and Operations Research! Read the paper here !
  • Sept 2021 - Our paper (with Hamsa Bastani and Kimon Drakopoulos) was ACCEPTED TO NATURE ! I'm incredibly honored and so fortunate to have such great collaborators that helped make this possible. Be sure to check out this excellent summary piece from Ziad Obermeyer on our work as well!
  • Sept 2021 - Our paper (with Hamsa Bastani and Kimon Drakopoulos) was selected as a Finalist in the 2021 Public Sector OR Best Paper Competition! Come support us at the INFORMS Annual Meeting when they announce the winner.
  • Sept 2021 - Our paper (with Hamsa Bastani and Kimon Drakopoulos) was selected as a Finalist in the 2021 Pierskalla Best Paper Competition! Come support us at the INFORMS Annual Meeting when they announce the winner.
  • Sept 2021 - Our new paper was selected as a Finalist in the 2021 Wagner Prize for Excellence in Operations Research! Come support Hamsa Bastani, Kimon Drakopoulos and me at the INFORMS Annual Meeting when they announce the winner.
  • June 2021 - I finished designing and teaching three new classes this past semester: a PhD Class on "Stochastic Foundations of Prescriptive Analytics", a PhD workshop on "Expositional Writing for Mathematics", and Marshall's "Undergraduate Honors Research Seminar." Check out my Teaching page to learn more about the classes and my great students!
  • June 2021 - Our paper "Deploying an Artificial Intelligence System for COVID-19 Testing at the Greek Border" (with Hamsa Bastani and Kimon Drakopoulos) was named a finalist in the Post-Pandemic Supply-Chain and Healthcare Management Conference's Best Paper Competition.
  • May 2021 - My doctoral student Michael Huang was awarded the Marshall School of Business PhD Student Outstanding Researcher Award. This award is allocated to one student at Marshall each year. Congratulations, Michael!
  • May 2021 - Prof. Kimon Drakopoulos and I are honored to received the Dr. Jagdish Sheth Award for Impact of Research on Practice for our work with the Greek Government managing their COVID-19 response.
  • Mar. 2021 - I am honored to have been promoted to an Associate Professor with tenure!
  • Feb. 2021 - A preprint describing our COVID-19 work with Greece and its effectiveness is now available.
  • Jan. 2021 - Entrepreneur published a short article on our project on deploying Greece's COVID-19 screening policy at the border (with Kimon Drakopoulos and Hamsa Bastani).
  • Jan. 2021 - I am honored to have been selected to serve as an Associate Editor for MSOM.
  • Dec. 2020 - PhocusWire (a UK Travel News Site) covered our joint project on deploying Greece's COVID-19 screening policy at the border (with Kimon Drakopoulos and Hamsa Bastani).
  • Nov. 2020 - My paper Data Pooling in Stochastic Optimization with N. Kallus was accepted to Management Science.
  • Nov. 2020 - My co-author Kimon Drakopoulos and I were invited to a webinar with the Dean on our joint project (with Hamsa Bastani) about deploying a COVID-19 screening policy for Greece.
  • Nov. 2020 - My collaborator Hamsa Bastani gave an awesome talk at Simons Institute on our joint project (with Kimon Drakopoulos) about designing COVID-19 screening policies for Greece.
  • Nov. 2020 - My student Michael Huang gave a great talk on our paper (with Paat Rusmechientong) on Learning Policy Performance in the Small-Data, Large-Scale Optimization Regime at the INFORMS Annual Conference.
  • Nov. 2020 - I gave a talk on my joint project (with Hamsa Bastani and Kimon Drakopoulos) on Deploying a Real-Time, Data-Driven COVID-19 Screening Policy at the Greek at the INFORMS Annual Conference.
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