5 Conclusion

When you are done defining the package, it remains to convert the Roxygen to documentation.

rm(list = ls())
litr::document() # <-- use instead of devtools::document()
## ℹ Updating frombookdown documentation
## ℹ Loading frombookdown
## Writing ']8;;file:///Users/jacobbien/Dropbox/literate/Rpackage/litr-project/examples/temp/frombookdown/NAMESPACENAMESPACE]8;;'
## Writing ']8;;ide:run:pkgload::dev_help('frombookdown-package')frombookdown-package.Rd]8;;'
## Writing ']8;;ide:run:pkgload::dev_help('say_hello')say_hello.Rd]8;;'

You can also add some extra things to your package here if you like, such as a README, some vignettes, a pkgdown site, etc. See here for an example of how to do this with litr.