is an R package for writing R packages via literate programming. You define a complete R package in a single R markdown document. This enables a workflow for writing R packages that is probably very different from what you are used to.
Covariance estimation
The varband
is an R package for learning local dependence in ordered data (such as data collected over time or along a genome). It estimates a lower triangular matrix with a variable bandwidth, leading to an easily interpretable view of the extent of the local dependence in the data.
Prototype selection
Interaction modeling
High-dimensional time series
The BigVAR
is an R package for high-dimensional time series. It implements multiple convex-regularized approaches to estimating vector autoregressive models. This includes methods for adaptively learning the lag order and for incorporating exogenous time series.
[paper on HVAR] [paper on VARX-L] [CRAN] [github]
Inferential tools
Optimization-focused software
The hsm
is an R package for hierarchical sparse modeling (HSM). This includes a novel closed-form solution to the proximal operator of the latent overlapping group lasso in the case of a directed path graph HSM structure and an efficient algorithm, which we call “path-based block coordinate descent” for more general HSM structures.
The CVXfromR
is an R package that lets you call CVX (from Matlab) within R. CVX is a tool by Michael Grant and Stephen Boyd that makes it easy to solve general convex problems, and the syntax to input such problems is simple and straightforward.