

  • GSBA 524: Data Science for Business (Fall 2023) uses Github Copilot.
  • GSBA 524: Data Science for Business (Fall 2022)
  • BUAD 312g: Statistics and Data Science for Business (Spring 2021) uses the ModernDive textbook and DataCamp.
  • BUAD 312g: Statistics and Data Science for Business (Fall 2020) uses the ModernDive textbook and DataCamp.
  • BUAD 312g: Statistics and Data Science for Business (Spring 2020): a new faster-paced alternative to BUAD 310g that uses the ModernDive textbook and DataCamp.
  • BUAD 310g: Applied Business Statistics (Fall 2018)
  • BUAD 310g: Applied Business Statistics (Fall 2017)

At Cornell


Here’s an app I made showing the exponential tilt of various densities.

  • BTRY/STSCI 4090: Theory of Statistics (Spring 2016)

And here’s an app showing the posterior and MLE in a coin flipping example.

  • BTRY/STSCI 4090: Theory of Statistics (Spring 2015)
  • BTRY 6010: Statistical Methods I (Fall 2014)
  • BTRY/STSCI 4090: Theory of Statistics (Spring 2014)
  • BTRY 4950/7950: Statistical Consulting (Spring 2014)
  • BTRY 7180: Generalized Linear Models (Fall 2013)
  • BTRY/STSCI 4090: Theory of Statistics (Spring 2013)