
Screenshot of timetabling software ClassE (pronounced “classy”) is an open-source software tool for academic timetabling. It was designed in close collaboration with Sloan Educational Services (SES) and has been used as part of the scheduling process at the Sloan School of Management since Fall 2012.

Unlike other time-tabling software, ClassE focuses on finding fair classroom and time allocations taking into account room and time constraints, and the preferences of faculty members and students. ClassE uses integer optimization to identify a candidate timetable, and supports on-the-fly analytics via a simple, graphical interface. Through this interface, users can explore features of the candidate timetable, suggest alterations, and tune the algorithm to balance different, competing objectives.

Additional screenshots, documentation and code available on Github.

Hubway Challenge

Screenshot of Hubway Visualization In 2012 Hubway, a Boston-based bike share program, made public a large dataset and issued an open data visualization challenge. Applicants were invited to find interesting and informative ways to represent and explore this data. Details can be found here.

Please find an interactive visualization created by Hugh Barrigan, Andre Calmon and me for this challenge here.